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The curriculum for Economics is designed to cater to a wide range of academic and vocational students by offering GCSE, as well as the Tech award in Enterprise. It has been developed in order for our staff to deliver thought-provoking and inspiring lessons that are consistent in quality and in routines, as well as giving a good balance between knowledge and skills.

In Economics, students will develop an understanding of the world in which we live, the decision-making rationales of individuals, firms and governments, and those who shape our local, national and global societies. This will be shaped around the fundamentals of how scarce resources in the world are allocated to different people and societies, as well as how the choices made in society by consumers, firms and the government are informed, given that resources in the world are limited, but people have unlimited needs and wants. It places these decisions within economic systems that are determined, managed and reflect the political and social choices that each society makes.

Our intent is the curriculum:

  • Will develop their knowledge and understanding of Economics concepts from a local, national and international perspective.
  • Will create different optional pathways available through Economics, such as management, finance / accounting, marketing, political degrees and much more. We want to inspire students to succeed in the next stage in their education, training or employment.
  • Will develop the students' employability skills and attributes through the development of interactive learning, thus allowing our students to reach their full potential.
  • Engage our students with the business world and the economy as it happens in society, outside the classroom.
  • Give our students opportunities to help develop transferable skills which can be used in all disciplines, such as decision-making, problem-solving, as well as analytical and evaluation skills.

Learning Journey

Economics Learning Journey

Parent Curriculum Information

KS4 GCSE Economics Half-Term 1 Curriculum Information

KS5 A-Level Economics Half-Term 1 Curriculum Information